Faq - Frequently Asked Questions

Who can stay at Roma Scout Center?

Our hostel welcomes everyone, individual travellers and groups, without any limit of age.

How long can a guest stay at RSC?

From one night to 3 months.

What are the opening hours of your hostel?

Our reception is open 24/7 for our guests, our staff being available the all time. From 3 to 5am, the entrance door is closed. Rooms are cleaned between 10am and 1pm and therefore are not accessible during these hours.

What prices apply to your rooms and/or beds?

Prices can vary according to the request on the selected dates. We suggest trying a simulation with the booking engine on our website, you may benefit from some special offers.

How can I book?

You can use the form to request a booking with us or reserving directly on our website form, we accept all main credit cards – or you can call us on +39  06 4423 1355 or send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


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